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来源: 汇集文学网 时间:2024-04-20
1、你就像那盏白炽灯,怎么看都不顺眼。 You're like that incandescent lamp. You don't look good. 2、谢谢你的微笑,曾经慌乱过我的年华。 Thank you for your smile, once flustered my time. 3、在乎你的人,永远对你都包容。 People who care about you will always be tolerant to you. 4、夜是灯火不休,你是我的爱至江愁。 Night is endless lights, you are my love to river sorrow. 5、我还是拉着你的手吧,我怕我走丢了。 I'd better hold your hand. I'm afraid I'll be lost. 6、总有一段缘,诠释人生遇见。 There is always a fate, the interpretation of life encounter. 7、单身怎么了,吃你家大米了? What's wrong with being single? Eating your rice? 8、仔细一看,原来陪伴的是自己的影子。 Take a closer look, the original companion is their own shadow. 9、食了那么多言,你饱了没有。 After eating so many words, are you full. 10、送女朋友回家,去哪都是顺路。 Take your girlfriend home. You can go anywhere. 11、我只要你一个,别的再好我也不要。 I only want you. I don't want anything else. 12、仅以你消逝的一面,足够我享用一生。 Only the side of you disappearing is enough for me to enjoy my whole life. 13、我不是你的猫,我不会向你摇尾巴。 I'm not your cat. I don't wag my tail to you. 14、爱过而失去,总比不曾爱过要来得好。 It is better to have loved and lost than never loved. 15、你坐在我心中很昂贵很赚眼泪的位置。 You sit in the most expensive and tearful position in my heart. 16、还有什么是睡觉,解决不了的? What else is sleep that can't be solved? 17、我喜欢你,喜欢到没有朋友了! I like you, like to have no friends! 18、想说的话在眼里、梦里、还有草稿里。 What you want to say is in your eyes, in your dreams, in your drafts. 19、我想和你在一起,却也只是想想而已。 I want to be with you, but I just think about it. 20、笑着的人,往往是在用很美的方式难受。 Smiling people, are often in the most beautiful way uncomfortable. 21、作为失败的典型,你实在是太成功了。 As a model of failure, you have been so successful. 22、你的那句我爱你,也是翻唱别人的吗? Your sentence I love you, is it a cover song of others? 23、女人宠爱自己,先从留长头发开始。 Women love themselves, start with long hair. 24、不论世事怎样变迁,你都是我的很好。 No matter how the world changes, you are the only one for me. 25、很怕就是我不挽留你还偏要走。 I'm afraid that I will leave you if I don't detain you. 26、愿你所爱的人,一直挚爱你一人。 May the one you love always love you. 27、你长得很像我一个亲戚,我妈的女婿。 You look like a relative of mine, my mother's son-in-law. 28、有种遇见,初见倾心,再见寂寥。 There is a kind of encounter, the first to fall in love, goodbye lonely. 29、这世上谁都没资格喜欢你,除了我! Nobody in the world is qualified to like you, except me! 30、倒挽时空打住猛回首,自此慎然不入此门家。 Pull back time and space to stop and look back, since then cautiously not into this door home. 31、我一直在时光里习惯了一个人。 I've been used to being alone in time. 32、心跳有多久。我就爱你多久。 How long is the heartbeat. I'll love you for as long as I can. 33、我们的目标:向钱看,向厚赚。 Look at our goal of making money. 34、你别糟蹋青春两字了,你都立秋了。 You don't spoil the word youth, you are all in autumn. 35、一段话入心,只因触碰心灵。 A word comes into the heart only because it touches the heart. 36、遇见,是一场无声岁月的相逢。 Meet, is a silent years meet. 37、快乐的人,都是记性不好的人。 Happy people are people with bad memory. 38、你在委屈什么,还在假装恋恋不舍么。 What are you aggrieved? Are you still pretending to be reluctant. 39、计时的临近,心情沉闷的像死灰一般。 As the time approaches, I feel like dead ash. 40、怎么可以这么累,毕竟我才十六岁。 How can I be so tired? After all, I'm only 16 years old. 41、不要说我傻,傻的不只我一个。 Don't say I'm stupid. I'm not the only one. 42、在我眼里,你永远是很好很好的。 In my eyes, you are always the best. 43、来没有谁对谁错,是我们还不够成熟。 No one is right or wrong, but we are not mature enough. 44、我也不知道为什么,你就住在了我心上。 I don't know why. You live in my heart. 45、就算你给我的是砒霜,我也含笑饮下。 Even if you give me arsenic, I drink it with a smile. 46、原谅我,我爱你,不想做路人甲。 Forgive me, I love you and don't want to be a passer-by. 47、未曾狂热付出,嚎哭都应该羞愧。 If you don't give enthusiastically, you should be ashamed to cry. 48、若相惜,若别离,定不负君相思意。 If you cherish each other, if you leave, you will miss you. 49、你认真爱我的样子,很迷人了。 The way you love me seriously is the most charming. 50、人与人太熟,就知道刀往哪里捅很痛。 If you are too familiar with people, you will know where the knife is most painful. 51、我追你追的好累,现在换你来追我吧。 I'm tired of chasing you. Now you're going to chase me. 52、永无止境地贪婪,只会毁灭自己。 Endless greed will destroy you. 53、你猜我什么血型,你是我的理想型。 Guess what blood type I have. You are my ideal type. 54、你说的曾经,让我不住的怀念。 You said once, let me not live to miss. 55、发同青,鬓同雪;生同寝,死同穴。 Hair with green, temples with snow; life with sleep, death with the cave. 56、关于你的那些她,我只能一笑而过。 I can only laugh at you about her. 57、喜欢海风吗?吹乱女孩子长发的时候。 Do you like the sea breeze? When the girl's hair is blown up. 58、海是倒过来的天,换个角度看世界。 The sea is an inverted sky. Look at the world from another angle. 59、多希望你能看见,我是多么后悔。 I wish you could see how sorry I am. 60、我没有好的天分,但我比谁都认真。 I don't have good talent, but I'm more serious than anyone else.





